Phone Lines Working

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We are pleased to tell you we can now take calls relatively normally.  For the next 2 weeks most outgoing calls may appear from “number withheld” because staff will be using their own devices.  We are not easily able to transfer calls internally.  For routine issues you may find it easier to use PATCH’s via our website but appreciate that lots of people find this difficult.

Why are we having problems?

BT Openreach disconnected us by mistake last Friday and due to Industrial Action have said they can not repair their mistake until the 14th September.  We have recurrently reminded of them that we are a GP practice looking after over 10,000 patients but have been told this is the best they can do.

What are we doing?

We were due to move phone provider later this month to a full cloud based phone system.  We have accelerated this plan so that we can receive multiple calls but have had to this ahead of proper training and without all the equipment installed.  Calls are now coming through computers.  We would be grateful for your patience and understanding whilst we make this rather painful transition.  Please be reassured looking after you remains our first priority.  We should have our new phone system with new functionality and everyone trained by the last week of September – we can’t move faster than BT take to repair their mistake.

Thank you, on behalf of all the team at Park Medical Centre.

Dr Robert McLaren